2021 Archive
NEWS: PM urged to sign Britain up to new global coalition for agricultural productivity growth
18 September 2021
Amid reports that Boris Johnson is set for on-to-one talks with President Joe Biden in Washington next week to discuss joint action on climate change, a prominent farming MP has written to the Prime Minister urging him to include food and agriculture on the agenda, and in particular to sign the UK up to the new US-led Global Coalition for Agricultural Productivity Growth.
Text of letter from APPG chair Julian Sturdy MP to the Prime Minister re. the Global Coalition for Agricultural Productivity Growth
18 September 2021
Julian Sturdy MP has written to the Prime Minister Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP urging the UK to sign up to the US-led Global Coalition for Agricultural Productivity Growth
NEWS: APPG chair calls for urgent review of ‘illicit’ seed use by organic growers
17 August 2021
The chair of an influential cross-party group at Westminster has written to Environment Secretary George Eustice demanding an urgent Government review into the practice of non-organic seed use by certified organic growers.
Julian Sturdy / Martin Jenkins letters to Defra SoS re. organic seed use
17 August 2021
Martin Jenkins’ recent letter to you [...] raises serious concerns that certified organic growers taking part in oilseed rape trials in Scotland were illicitly marketing crops grown from 100% conventional seed as organic, receiving premiums in excess of £500/tonne yet in clear breach of organic rules requiring conventional seed to be sown as a mixture with organically grown seed.
NEWS - APPG welcomes TIGRR recommendations on gene editing and agri-metrics
16 June 2021
The chair of an influential cross-party grouping of MPs and Lords has welcomed high-level calls for the UK to use its Brexit freedoms to promote the development and commercial uptake of gene edited crops, and to develop a comprehensive system of farm to fork sustainability metrics to help deliver ‘more from less’ in terms of sustainable, efficient agriculture.
NEWS - Embracing gene editing can help organic growers reduce pesticide use, says Peer
2 June 2021
A leading Conservative Peer has issued a challenge to the organic sector to come clean about their use of toxic pesticides to control pests and diseases, urging them to keep an open mind on the potential of new precision breeding techniques to help reduce the use of chemical input.
NEWS - All-Party Group welcomes clarification of Co-op position on gene editing
26 February 2021
Following media reports that the Co-op had said no to gene edited products in its stores, members and stakeholders of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Science and Technology in Agriculture have welcomed unambiguous clarification, in a letter from The Co-operative Group chief executive Steve Murrells to Lord Cameron of Dillington.
NEWS RELEASE - Leading scientists, politicians welcome Defra gene editing consultation, urge organic sector to keep an open mind
7 January 2021
Welcoming the Government’s long awaited consultation on plans to regulate the products of precision breeding techniques in the same way as conventional breeding methods, rather than as GMOs, leading scientists and cross-party politicians have highlighted the potential opportunities of these advances to support more sustainable farming and food production systems.